
Dobrodošli v svetu kakovostnih čajev in dopolnil.

Dobrodošli v svetu kakovostnih čajev in dopolnil.

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Vaša košarica je prazna.

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From an idea to the final product

Tailored solutions with formulations that work

We are tea and dietary supplement producers with over 40 years of experience. Our experts with Masters or PhD in the relevant fields can offer you holistic solutions and guide you from the first idea to the end product. Our 6 quality certificates guarantee the quality of ingredients, production processes, and endproducts.
Modern production
Our facilities respond to standards for medical drug production.
High-quality ingredients
We can purchase the highest quality ingredients with maximum bioavailability.
Formulations that work
We have over 200 pre-prepared formulations that can help you develop your product quickly.
Quality certificates
Quality of our services, ingredients and end products is ensured by four 3 rd party institutions.
Modern production
Our facilities respond to standards for medical drug production.
High-quality ingredients
We can purchase the highest quality ingredients with maximum bioavailability.
Formulations that work
Na voljo imamo več kot 500 formul, ki delujejo in vam zato prihranimo čas razvoja.
Quality certificates
Quality of our services, ingredients and end products is ensured by four 3 rd party institutions.
Do you want sell our products in your store or pharmacy?
Do you need help developping your own brand?

We offer various product types

We offer various packaging types

Carton packaging
Skupaj do uspeha

How does the production process flow

Od začetne ideje do končnega izdelka je pot dolga, zato je dobra komunikacija in dobro
znanje farmacije izjemno pomembno.
V Herbi Medici vam pomagamo do vašega uspeha.

Let's build on your idea together

Skupaj nadgradimo

vašo idejo

We make sample products

Izdelamo vzorčne


Samples are tested

Uredimo dokumentacijo



Products are packed and dispatched

Izdelke pakiramo in


What do the experts say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.

Prof. dr. Stanko Srčič, mag. farm.
Fakulteta za farmacijo, Univerza v Ljubljani

Our partners

An effective way to your own brand

Create your own brand of food supplements

Ste zdravnik, nutricionist, spa center, hotel, influencer, osebni trener in si želite vašim strankam ponuditi kvalitetna prehranska dopolnila? S strokovno podporo, testiranimi sestavinami s certifikati in kvalitetnimi končnimi izdelki vam pomagamo navdušiti vaše stranke.

We are a pharmaceutical company with rich experience in formulating and manufacturing of teas and dietary supplements.

We are a pharmaceutical company with rich experience in formulating and manufacturing of teas and dietary supplements.

Knowledge is power Sign up to our newsletter
Herba Medica, d.o.o
Preserska cesta 5,
SI-1235 Radomlje
+386 (1) 562 06 03
Herba Medica je visoko tehnološko podjetje
za razvoj čajev in prehranskih dopolnil.
Herba Medica je visoko tehnološko podjetje
za razvoj čajev in prehranskih dopolnil.
Herba Medica, d.o.o
Preserska cesta 5,
SI- 1235 Radomlje
+386 (1) 562 06 03
Knowledge is power
Sign up to our newsletter
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